Brexit. November 2020 update.

Things on the Brexit front have moved little since my post in February this year.

Brexit and The Keyboard Company

But we are planning for all eventualities.

We are confident we can continue to serve all our customers in EU areas and we have an arrangement in place to open a satellite office within the EU should it become necessary in the event of a no-deal. We have talked with all our logistics partners and there is a feeling that the physical movement of goods may see some small delays in the first months but that it will not be more than a day or two and that it will settle down again quickly. VAT/Sales Tax may change if we leave Customs Union but we feel this is possibly an advantage to us. We won’t have to add that VAT. The only drawback to this is that customers may have to pay their local VAT when goods are delivered. Usually this would be collected by the carrier as is the case right now if buying from USA or China. There are rules on this that seem to allow purchases under a certain value without any VAT collected.

With regards to goods that we buy from outside of the EU and then sell inside the EU, we see no issues with this. There may be some ‘Country of Origin’ paperwork we will need to do but this is something we already do in certain cases so would be nothing new.

We have valued suppliers in the EU too. Again, we have liased with all those concerned and we don’t foresee any insurmountable obstacles, such as would endanger supply. There is likely to be some more paperwork but that is mostly going to be on the part of us and our carriers.

We hope and expect that the experience of buying from The Keyboard Company will be as friction free as ever. I am personally committed to continuing to serve our fantastic clientele.
If you have any questions please let me know.

Best Wishes to you all.
