Covid-19 UPDATE 08/04/2020.

Working From Home Week 3

We’ve been running The Keyboard Company remotely for the best part of three weeks now, having started on 19th March.
I am pleased to report that all is working out well; the guys who have stayed on-site can keep an appropriate distance from one another with one person in the office and one in stores.
The stores have been particularly busy. I am grateful beyond measure to these guys.
And I am so proud of the whole team who despite having to work from home and do things differently, have managed to keep everything very smooth with no more problems than one would expect under normal conditions.

So orders still ship same day and carriers are keeping to standard delivery timescales.
Royal Mail is doing a fantastic job and deserves thanks, they are proving to be another of those as yet – unidentified hero services.

We are shipping about double the amount of orders we usually would at this time of year.
It is no surprise that the medical and washable keyboards and mice are popular right now but more surprising is the amount of sales to people working from home. But of course, if working from home for the first time, you tend to find things that need improving, and if you don’t already have a good quality mechanical keyboard, then it is an excellent time to get one. We have had a fair few customers saying things like: my Filco is sitting on my desk at the office, and I can’t do without it and buying another one, or a slightly different one. Tenkeyless and other small footprint keyboards have been particularly popular.

I’m finding I can do everything I need to remotely. I am saving the hour a day spent in the car, and with no meetings or interruptions, I am finding that I do like working from home. All our suppliers are managing to meet our needs, and we are supporting our cleaners and other staff who are effectively not working. If it wasn’t for the horror of the Corona Virus on our society and our NHS I couldn’t be happier.
I am even finding time to update the blog more regularly.

I hope you are keeping safe out there and following the guidance and I believe we will pull together and come through this the stronger for it. The sooner, the better.
