Tribute to a pioneer

stephen_h_200x301Ladies and Gentlemen.

This week we learned of the death of Stephen Hobday, at the age of 98. Stephen founded PCD Maltron Keyboards Ltd and designed the Maltron keyboard – much imitated but never bettered. He will be remembered as the man who did more to advance keyboard ergonomics than any other, and at a time when most people hadn’t woken up to the problem, he was a true visionary.

We at The Keyboard Company worked closely with Stephen and Maltron for over 20 years. He was always a pleasure to deal with. As inventor, or entrepreneur, he was always a gentleman.

On behalf of The Keyboard Company I would like to pay tribute to a great man and pass our Best Wishes to his family. PCD Maltron will continue Stephen’s legacy in the safe hands of Peter, his son.