Brexit latest on Jan 21st 2021

26th Jan 2021.
Keyboard Company Shipping to EU nations Post Brexit.


At present we are seeing shipments physically moving as well as expected but there are some difficulties with Sales Tax collection and associated Fees from carriers.
Keyboards are duty free on WTO so there are no charges related to that except on some accessories.

As we are no longer in the Customs union, VAT (Sales Tax) is now being collected in the destination nation and we no longer add this to the cost of the order when we take your payment.
So your order will not have the 20% added to it in the shopping cart on but this will be added at the point of delivery at the rate applicable in your country. This has always been the case with USA and Asia, so you may have come across it before.

This means that right now, when the carrier is ready to deliver to you they will contact you and ask for this payment before they will leave any goods with you. And they can add an administration fee which should be around 10 or 20 Euro, but in some nations we have seen it being higher than this. Sadly, at this point, there is no certainty on this figure, although you may get some clearer idea from your local carrier office.

With Brexit 3 weeks old now, and the last minute nature of the agreement, nations and carriers are just learning the facts now, as they go along. It’s far from ideal. But we are seeing more clarity as time goes by and we hope to have a more definite situation soon. We are working with our carriers to set up a DDP offering. That is Delivery Duty Paid (And VAT paid). With this – all charges will be paid by us to our account so that when the goods are delivered there is no charge made. This will give the certainty we want for our customers but it seems it will be some one or two weeks until we can offer this. And set it up to work in our shopping cart.

I can only apologise for any difficulties this causes and assure you that we are working to ensure that we improve the situation. And of course, I would like to assure you that we value you custom, wherever you may be in the world.

Best Wishes
