COVID19 Virus – Keyboard Company preparations.

COVID-19. The Keyboard Company, Trial home working and how we are planning.

Hi Folks.

We are experiencing quite a concerning situation at present. The like of which I have never had to think about in my business life. So in all honesty – I am making it up as I go along.
The priority for me has to be the Health and Safety of the team here, our customers and others we may be in contact with.
And then ensuring the ongoing success of The Keyboard Company and continuing services that we provide.
And I am aware that we all have a duty to the nation as a whole and our communities.

At present the situation is fast moving, we follow government advice and make decisions on a day to day basis using our best judgement.

This week we are going to send home as many people as possible to work from home for 2 days. We will have a small team staying to run the stores and ensure goods in and out continue – as that is the essence of what we do. But the admin staff can work remotely.
We have in theory had a set up for this in place for many years but only one or two at a time have ever needed to use it.
This week on Thursday and Friday all the office and admin staff will work from home as a dry run to make sure our preparations are robust and ready for the possibility that we will in some way be enforced to do so. As we have seen in China and Italy when COVID19 becomes more widespread it seems it may become unavoidable, and so a test is going to ensure we are fully prepared for business continuity.
All email will be accessed by the correct people so that email communication will not change. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and all social channels will be unchanged. Telephone calls are one thing that present more of a challenge but we will leave the main lines open and someone should answer, but we also have a new mobile should there be any issues. This is
+44 7955-570045.
This is also the number for our whatsapp.

So good luck everyone, stay safe and we look forward to hearing from you.